Editorial Guidelines

We believe in complete transparency when it comes to who we are, how we support our research and team, create our content, and make editorial decisions.

The Roots Of Loneliness Project is an inclusive and passionate team of empathetic medical experts and industry professionals dedicated to research and open conversations about mental health and loneliness.

How We Support Our Team: Advertising Disclaimer

We’re able to support our incredible team of writers, researchers, and professionals on our medical review board through onsite ads.

For more information, please refer to our privacy policy.

Editorial Guidelines: How We Create Content

  • The Roots Of Loneliness Project upholds a high standard of integrity in everything we publish, including breaking news, editorial, and investigative content or research studies, approaching every topic without bias.
  • Our team performs ongoing proprietary research and makes these studies publicly available on topics that relate to loneliness and the mental health industry as a whole.
  • Our team is required to disclose potential conflicts of interest when applicable.
  • Upon request, we permit team members to employ a pseudonym as a means of protecting their identity or to avoid potential conflicts in their personal and/or professional lives. The use of any pseudonym is disclosed in the author’s bio and their likeness on our site may be AI-generated.
  • Before any content is ever written, it is assigned to a subject matter expert on our team who deeply researches the topic and supplements it with their own lived experience when applicable.
  • All external information contained within our content is sourced and referenced from reputable medical publications and trustworthy media outlets, publishers, or outside experts.
  • Medically peer-reviewed studies or publicly-funded research are utilized whenever possible; privately-funded research is used at our discretion based on the advice of our medical review board and the validity of the study sample.
  • All content published on our site adheres to strict editorial standards and is professionally edited to ensure compliance with our style guide.
  • At least one member of our medical review board fact-checks all content prior to publication to ensure accuracy.
  • Editorial and review content is updated on a frequent basis as new and credible information becomes available.
  • Visual media (images, videos, GIFs, etc.) displayed on our site are proprietary content created by our team. We supplement this imagery with Royalty Free or Creative Commons licensing from third-party stock photography sites. In some cases, we may use artificial intelligence (AI) generators for abstract illustrations used as featured images.

We do not use AI to mass-produce content but may use AI in the planning or drafting process.

[Read more about our stance on AI.]

Company Values And Ethics

→ Our Core Values:

  1. Lead With Integrity
  2. Be Bold & Courageous
  3. Effectively Communicate
  4. Keep It Simple – But No Shortcuts
  5. Continuously Learn & Grow

Everything we do at The Roots Of Loneliness Project — and in life — grows from a solid foundation built from those five core values.

  • Team members are chosen based on subject matter expertise, skill, and interest, with no discrimination with regard to gender, sexual orientation, race, or religion.
  • Topics are researched and published by The Roots Of Loneliness Project without any agenda beyond presenting accurate, medically-reviewed information that allows our readership to make the best decisions possible as they relate to their mental health and wellness.
  • Our content is unbiased and non-judgmental, reliably sourced, and written without external influence (paid or unpaid).
  • Our opinions are NOT for sale and we do not accept investments from outside companies that might wish to influence our recommendations in any way.
  • We accept advertising through our ad network; refer to our privacy policy for more information.
  • From time to time, we may publish commentary from experts who are not affiliated with The Roots Of Loneliness Project. Any links to outside resources providing more context on their expertise will be included at our discretion.

Our Stance On AI-Generated Content

We do not, nor will we ever, use artificial intelligence (AI) to mass-produce content on The Roots Of Loneliness Project.

We may, from time to time, allow our writers to use AI assistance (such as ChatGPT) during the early draft stages of editorial content only.

As a means of assisting writers who are facing writer’s block or struggling with wording (or an ominous blank page), AI can offer a gentle boost to the creation of their written content.

That’s where its involvement ends, however.

  • All written content submitted to us is run through a plagiarism and AI checker.
  • Additionally, all facts (statistical or otherwise) presented in any article draft must be backed up by legitimate sources, such as medical or peer-reviewed studies, and/or quotes from credentialed subject matter experts.
  • Finally, all of our content is reviewed by at least one medical review board member to ensure accuracy before publication.

If you have questions about this policy, please don’t hesitate to contact us.

Contact Us

If you have a question about our editorial guidelines, please use our contact form, or reach out to support(at)rootsofloneliness(dot)com.

Please make sure to whitelist the rootsofloneliness.com domain to ensure our response does not arrive in your spam folder.

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